Tuesday, May 08, 2007


There's something about the air getting warmer that makes me feel better--it's that promise of summer that always got me through the last weeks of school. So the weird thing right now is not having school. Ever again.

It's been strange (but cool) to sometimes have free time... I still kind of don't know what to do when Steve has to study, but I'm figuring it out.

Also, suddenly, I'm on a huge saving kick. (That may be the product of working at a financial planning company). Seriously, though. I'm suddenly really having thoughts--and often--like "I wonder how much we can afford to put in a Roth IRA per month?" and "How much would we have to save per month to have a 10% down payment for a house by the time we're 30?" It's kind of sick. But at least we'll be sort of prepared. I hope. I think that's a big concern for me right now, with grad school approaching for Steve and not knowing where we'll live, and how much it will cost to get through those years.

I'm figuring out other ways to make money, too, besides my job. I'm working full time, still editing for Steve's dad's magazine, and now I'm taking on a small tutoring job for a local family. I think I need to just relax, but I'm not very good at that sometimes.

BUT! I am taking on some hobbies, now, and it's pretty fun. I decided to try some baking, but so far all I've gotten to is brownies and these cupcakes:

They came out really well, by the way. And were iced with chocolate frosting.

I've also started (trying) to get in to scrapbooking. I've bought a lot of supplies, but as of yet I have no pictures to start with. I should really get on that. But I did make this super-cute envelope to send to my friend Kari. It was a business envelope but I embellished it with hand-cut...



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