Saturday, July 21, 2007


Steve and I were "DOORBUSTERS" this morning. Meaning we got up to go to the 8am-1pm sale at Penney's, because Steve needed a new suit, and Jenna's Steve had gotten a fantastic one from there. I was a little skeptical about Penneys, having had a less than fantastic experience with it as a child/young teen, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Steve of course, found a fantastic suit (which looks very nice on him). It is a tan wool/cashmere blend, retailed at over $400, he got it for $198 because of the sale. Sweet!

I got not one, but TWO dresses (both at 50% off--woo!), both of which I really like. Now I will only have trouble deciding which one to wear to Kevin & Rachel's wedding on Friday.

We also went to the fabric store, to stock up on stuff for my new (new-to-me) sewing machine. I bought thread it different colors (including hot pink and aqua!), a seam ripper, and a measuring tape.

I made this little guy (below) as a warm up. It's been a long time since I've used a machine, so he was fun. He appears to be a seal, though he was originally intended to be a porcupine. Obviously he had other plans. Even though he isn't the best looking thing, I love him, and I'm proud because he's the first thing I made myself on the machine. Steve named him Frederick.

This is my "sewing area" a.k.a. our kitchen table:

AND... to top off an already fantastic (I've used that word like 3 times, sorry) day, my copy of HARRY POTTER came in the mail today!

I am such a geek that I sat right down and immediately started reading it. Steve was very nice about it. Though as I sat down to post, he started in on it as well...

We might have to battle it out...

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