Monday, July 02, 2007

Twenty-Two Goals: Photolog

I am making a list of goals in my head (and on the sidebar of this blog) for year twenty-two. It seems like a big deal to be twenty -two... Somehow 21 sounds still safely closer to childhood than adulthood. But 22 sounds closer to adulthood.

I've decided now that I'm done with school, I should finally start doing all those things I "want to do with my life." Steve is so fun because he's always supportive and excited when I come up with a new project, and sometimes he'll even want to do it with me.

He is a very gifted photographer. Really. His photos are beautiful. I aspire to be like him in so many ways, and I really admire his "eye" for composition. Anyway, here is the first goal I am going to share with you: I want to be able to take beautiful photos. Should be easy, right? Haha.

Here are some I took this weekend, that I think came out well.

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