Saturday, July 14, 2007

Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix

Rating: * * * * (4/5 stars)

So... We saw Harry Potter 5 last night. My rating might be unfair, because I love Harry Potter. Yes, it's true. I am eagerly awaiting next Saturday, when book 7 will arrive on my doorstep. But anyways, I may have liked this movie best of the Potter films thus far. The new director was very creative. There is a lot of plot to tackle from the book in not a lot of time, but I felt (finally) that enough of the important parts were left in (the others cut out a LOT of good information). He also used newspaper clippings to tell a lot of story in a very little time, and I thought that was clever. The cast (except for Harry, who--lets face it--is just not a good actor) was even better this year. They are all shaping up to be pretty good little actors. And Alan Rickman was awesome as Snape--as usual. Also really liked Imelda Stanton as Professor Umbridge. She is the most evil woman, but hides it so well (sometimes). Perfect.

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