Wednesday, October 17, 2007

the marvelous something

Just wanted to post a couple pics of my first "fantastic piece of mail" (see goal #7), and the marvelous something I made to put in it. You saw that I was sewing the "something" a couple posts ago. Here it is partially constructed...

It's an elephant! I also drew an autumn silhouette on the CD to make it more fun to receive. Whats more fun than an autumn silhouette, after all?

So our little friend the elephant was shipped out last Saturday to my mama, as a Happy Fall! gift. She sent me some really good care packages during college, so I figured I owe her quite a few. She was really happy, too, so it was pretty cute. She left me a voice mail, texted me, and called me on my lunch break.

If you are interested in being a future recipient of a marvelous something or a fantastic piece of mail (though I can't promise anything on the LEVEL of fantasticness) you should drop me an email with your address. You could receive a little package in the mail sometime...


AMD said...

you know, I recently sent my friends at BYU (Will and Nathan, who are roommates now) cookies because Jet was going to be in Provo and wanted to do a prank on them and needed their address. Although I procured the address with malicious intent, I have to say I really enjoyed sending people cookies just for the sake of sending them cookies! It really does make you feel good to send a "marvelous something."

the Kev said...

holy moley . . . I think "creative" is your middle name. Or it's your first name and you just go by "Jamie"

Jessiepoo said...

Dear Jamie,
You are cute. Please make me a marvelous something equal in awesomeness to the 2-legged elephant you showed me and gave to your mom. Your mom!

The Bane of your existence,

p.s. I like your blog!

Unknown said...

Jamie, your autumn sillhoutte (im positive i spelled that wrong just now) completely cracked me up! You are right - there IS nothing better!!! Love It!

Designing Woman said...

jamie, i love your blog...i must have more posts....i know you are blogging all the time at work etc. but your fans miss you!!!